Thursday, October 22, 2009

What period of the year can one expect to get wind in Singapore? The surface wind conditions over Singapore depend on the monsoon. The Northeast Monsoon which prevails over the period December to March experiences a high percentage (about 32 percent) of winds from the NNE direction. Winds from the NNE can exceed 8 m/sec, the strongest during the year. During the Southwest Monsoon, winds are less vigorous than during the Northeast Monsoon and the most frequently occurring winds are from the south and south-east, although southwesterlies are also fairly well represented. During the inter-monsoon periods, winds, especially during April and May, are weak and are more evenly distributed over all compass directions. During the October/November inter-monsoon period, winds are weakest from the south-east quadrant. An important feature of the weather in Singapore during the Southeast Monsoon is the squalls, locally known as "Sumatras". Please refer to ScienceNet Question 1823.

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