Friday, October 16, 2009

Was told to just send in whatever document and if unemployed, to declare a SD. They will look at the combine income of both my S.O. and me(zero) and will base on the 40% of combine gross basic monthly income(does not include any OT) to calculate the maximum HDB loan. If the maximum HDB loan does not cover the total required for the payment, the remaining amount will have to be paid by other means. by cash/CPF, commercial bank loans, borrow, rob, steal.. If unable to make the payment, one will have 3 other options. 1) write in a letter to sales side to appeal for a delay in application for HDB loan. 2) write in a letter to sales side to appeal for a delay in key collection. (the above 2 is limited to the time where the last in the Queue. which is only about a few months max.) 3) In event that one still can't make the payment. One will have to withdraw from the application as one is unable to fulfill the "agreement to buy" contract signed in 2004. This "agreement to buy" does not guaranty that one will be able to get the unit. When ask if there are any other options, was told there isn't. when ask again, they just keep quiet. They give the cold feeling that if you are poor, sorry, we are doing a business, please go out. Tried calling to the sales side(our manager in charge) was told the appeal for delay won't give much time. was told to find other means to get the money. And again, same thing in event that one is unable to raise money to fulfill the contract. failure to fulfill contract equals to contract being void = withdraw. When ask that currently I don't have a job, doesn't mean that I will never get a job. and even if I have a job now. it does not mean that I will still have a job tomorrow. But was told that they can't see the future and can only based on today's status. sigh....

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